Timberdale Ranch Owners Association

Annual Meeting Minutes

Location:        Timberdale Ranch, CR 504, CO

Date:               08/03/2019

Time:              11:40 AM


Members:, Fran Block, Tim Block, Lucy Bryson, Phil Bryson, Dave Butler, Ron Bynum, Michael Crouchelli, Simone Crouchelli, Cathy Enns, Jamie Enns, Joe Garrett, Sheldon Grylls-Murphy, Phoebe Grylls, Gary Gurholt, Sherry Gurholt, Melissa Heath, Debra Hendricks, Kristi Jesse, Kelly Jesse, Jason Kaminsky, Robin Linde, Elizabeth Lutes, Tom Lutes, Cathy Macklin, Gary Macklin, Del McDaniel, Linda McDaniel, Bernard Murphy, Pam Nichols, Tim Nichols, Ken Pepion, Leslyn Sisco, Jenny Tencza, Jim Tencza, James Thomas, Chuck Thomson, Brad Treadwell, Peggy Treadwell, Stephen Zwart

Guests: Preston Goetzke


1)    Introductions (Jim Tencza)

a)    Jim introduced the association’s current board of directors and Preston Goetzke, the ranch’s new caretaker as of September 1.

b)    Jim announced Dave Butler’s retirement from the board.

2)    Roads Report (Brad Treadwell)

a)    Brad reviewed the road work that has been done this year including re-graveling and compacting portions of Chimney and Pine Lane and work at several intersections. Brad provided a map showing where all the work has been done.

b)    Brad reported that the association has spent $14,685 this year on road maintenance.

3)    Architecture Standards Committee Report (Kelly Jesse)

a)    Kelly reviewed Timberdale’s guidelines regarding approval for construction. He reminded owners of the county mandated set-backs (20 feet in front and 10 feet in rear and sides) and Timberdale’s utility easement of 7.5 feet.

b)    Kelly emphasized the need for the Architectural Standards Committee’s oversight of construction plans to ensure compliance with the Covenants (Article V, Section 2) that states plans must be “… approved in writing as to the quality of workmanship and materials and conformity and harmony of exterior design with existing structures …”

4)    Fire Mitigation Report (Jamie Enns)

a)    Jamie provided an overview of our membership with the National Fire Protection Association and how their certification of Timberdale as a Firewise USA Program participant benefits us.

b)    Jamie asked residents to email him an estimate of the time and funds they spent on fire mitigation on their property this year. This will enable us to report to the NFPA that we have met their minimum annual investment.

c)    Linda McDaniels requested that Timberdale cut the grass in the common area across Circle Drive from their property.

5)    Financial Report (Dave Butler)

a)    Dave reported the association’s financial position as of August, 2019. See the August 12, 2018 financial report.

b)    The association has approximately $45,000 in the bank.

c)    He estimated that the association will be $5,000 over budget this year.


6)    Miscellaneous Items (Jim Tencza)

a)    Several residents have reported finding cigarette butts around the ranch. Jim asked everyone to remind visitors and workers on their property to be careful to dispose of cigarettes safely.

b)    Dumpsters have been left unlocked and have been opened by bears. Make sure you close and secure dumpster doors properly. Bears that learn they can get into neighborhood garbage containers often become dangerous and have to be killed.

c)    Don’t leave trash outside the dumpsters. If it can’t fit inside, you must take it to the Durango or Bayfield Transfer Station or Bondad Landfill.

d)    Jim reminded residents that a residence can have no more than three horses. The cost for using the common pasture is $25 per horse per year.

e)    Jim explained that dogs must be under control and not causing a disturbance including chasing or otherwise harassing wildlife.

f)     Jim reminded residents that ATVs should not be used for joyriding in the neighborhood.

7)    TROA Board of Directors Election (Jamie Enns)

a)    The three-year terms of Dave Butler, Jim Tencza, and Brad Treadwell expire this year.

b)    Jim and Brad have agreed to run for another term. Dave has decided to retire.

c)    Dick Sufficol has decided to resign due to health reasons. The Board has appointed Lucy Bryson to finish Dick’s term.

d)    Tim Block has agreed to run.

e)    There were no other nominations put forward.

f)     Linda McDaniels moved that these three nominees be elected by unanimous agreement and Elizabeth Lutes seconded. The motion was carried.

8)    Dave Butler

a)    The members honored Dave for his many years of service to the Timberdale community. He was presented with a gift and as a token of our appreciation. Thanks to Brad and Peggy Treadwell for making this happen.

9)    Facebook Report (Cathy Enns)

a)    Cathy reminded the group about our Facebook page and invited everyone to join by emailing her at cathy.enns@gmail.com.

b)    She reminded the members that the page is intended for items of general interest to the Timberdale community.

10) Members Comments

a)    Several members were recognized for their contributions to the community. They include Peggy Treadwell for the many holiday displays she puts up and for arranging the decorations for the annual meeting, Simone Crouchelli for helping clean the office facility for the annual meeting, Stephen Zwart for mowing the lawn around the office in preparation for the annual meeting, Mike Crouchelli for leading the team that erected the tents for the annual meeting, Dick Sufficool for multiple maintenance projects in the Timberdale buildings and for erecting street signs around the ranch.

11) Adjourn

a)    The meeting was adjourned at 12:33 pm.