Timberdale Ranch Owners Association

Annual Meeting Minutes

Location:        Timberdale Ranch, CR 504, CO

Date:               08/04/2018

Time:              11:30 AM


Members:, Fran Block, Tim Block, Lucy Bryson, Dave Butler, Michael Crouchelli, Simone Crouchelli, Joseph Crudup, Cathy Enns, Jamie Enns, Sheldon Grylls-Murphy, Gary Gurholt, Sherry Gurholt, Melissa Heath, Rick Hicks, Kristi Jesse, Kelly Jesse, Jason Kaminsky, Mariah Kaminsky, Gary Macklin, Del McDaniel, Linda McDaniel, Dan McNamara, Nanette McNamara, Bernard Murphy, Pam Nichols, Tim Nichols, Marion Robinson, Dick Sufficool, Lorraine Sufficool, Jenny Tencza, Jim Tencza, James Thomas, Chuck Thomson

Guests: Jay Blow


1)    Introductions (Jim Tencza)

a)    Jim introduced the members of the board and Jay Blow the ranch caretaker.

b)    He noted the passing of residents Jan Nethers and Tim Fogarty.

c)    Jim announced that Elizabeth Lutes has agreed to join the board to complete Jan Nethers’ term.

2)    Financial Report (Dave Butler)

a)    Dave reported the association’s financial position as of August 03, 2018. See the August 12, 2018 financial report here.

3)    Architecture Committee Report (Dave Butler)

a)    Dave reported that construction has been approved at Kaminsky’s (lot 40) and McCarthy’s (lot 68).

4)    Roads Report (Dave Butler for Brad Treadwell)

a)    Dave reported on the progress of the maintenance strategy of working on short segments of road at a time.

b)    A member asked about the use of mag chloride on Chimney hill. Dave said it was an experiment and it wasn’t successful primarily because there isn’t enough base down.

5)    Fire Mitigation Report (Jamie Enns)

a)    Jamie reported on the status of the on-going mitigation efforts.

6)    Storage Containers (Jim Tencza)

a)    Jim outlined the options regarding allowing the use of storage containers in the ranch.

b)    Several members offered opinions including: prohibiting containers, allow containers but they must “not look bad”, let the Architecture Committee decide whether or not to allow on a case-by-case basis.

c)    The board will continue to take inputs and plans to draft a policy at the next board meeting. The draft will be sent out to TROA members for review. The board intends to have a policy in place by November.

7)    Fee Increase (Jim Tencza)

a)    Jim provided a summary of different solutions for garbage removal that have been implemented over the past nine years.

b)    Currently the TROA is paying $11,220 per year for three dumpsters.

c)    The board is proposing a $45 increase to the annual fee to pay for the rising dumpster cost.

d)    A member asked why we need to increase the fee when we have over $52,000 in reserve. Jim and Dave responded that they and the board believe that it is fiscally responsible for the association to maintain a healthy reserve. Several other members agreed.

e)    The board will decide on the fee increase at the next board meeting.

8)    Miscellaneous Items (Jim Tencza)

a)    Jim explained that dogs must be under control and not causing a disturbance including chasing or otherwise harassing wildlife.

b)    Jim reminded residents that ATVs should not be used for joyriding in the neighborhood.

c)    Jim reminded residents that a residence can have no more than three horses. The cost for using the common pasture is $25 per horse per year.

9)    TROA Board of Directors Election (Jamie Enns)

a)    The three-year terms of Kelly Jesse and Jamie Enns expire this year.

b)    Both of these directors have agreed to run for another term.

c)    There were no other nominations put forward.

d)    Kelly and Jamie were re-elected by unanimous agreement.

e)    Jason Kaminsky and Mike Crouchelli indicated their interest in serving on the board in the future.

10) Announcement (Marion Robinson)

a)    Marion made a request for members to sign a petition.

11) Facebook Report (Cathy Enns)

a)    Cathy reminded the group about our Facebook page and invited everyone to join by emailing her at cathy.enns@gmail.com.

b)    She reminded the members that the page was created in part to provide a forum for residents to offer goods and services for sale. However, if these are business operations, the posts should be in good taste and no more than once or twice a year.

12) Other Activities (Jim Tencza)

a)    For information regarding the Timberdale Ranch Book Club contact Jenni Tencza.

b)    For information regarding the Timberdale Ranch Hiking Club contact Cathy Enns.

13) Adjourn

a)    The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 pm.