Timberdale Ranch Owners Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Location:        Timberdale Ranch, CR 504, CO

Date:               04/03/2018

Time:              6:00 PM


Directors: Dave Butler, Jamie Enns, Kelly Jesse, Dick Sufficool, Jim Tencza, Brad Treadwell

Absent: Jan Nethers

Guests: Jay Blow, Geoff Moore, Jason Kaminsky


1)    Snowplowing

a.    Jay reported he plowed just 7 times this winter.

2)    Meadow grass cutting

a.    Jay has contacted a local rancher regarding mowing our meadow for the hay. The primary benefit to Timberdale is to control the knapweed infestation. Rancher said he would mow and wouldn’t charge anything if he can take the hay. Jamie agreed to put together a short agreement to limit the association’s liability. The board approved 4 to 8 hours for Jay to help out.

3)    Roads

a.    Brad presented several areas that are most in need of maintenance. The board decided on improving the section of Chimney Drive from Elk Trail north to Lakeview (indicated by the lower yellow portion on the map) and the section of Pine Lane and Deer Trail from Pine Place to Spring Lane (indicated by the blue portion on the map). We will also do some maintenance around the entrance.

b.    The board discussed the perennial issue of Chimney hill. We decided to get estimates for: (1) asphalt paving and (2) major gravel build-up with mag chloride. After we get the quotes we will evaluate our options and determine what we should do with the hill.

4)    Other maintenance

a.    Front gate – One section of the gate posts was loose and leaning over. Dick reported that he installed a guide wire to hold it up. Dick said there might be some rot at the base but it’s difficult to tell for sure. Dave and Jay agreed to put a coat of stain/sealer on the gate posts.

b.    TROA office – Dick agreed to replace the front porch hand rails.

c.    Caretaker’s house – The front porch needs to be replaced. Dave and Jay agreed to do it.

5)    Unapproved road work – A resident has dug a drainage trench across a road without discussing or getting agreement from the board causing the association some expense to repair the road. Dave has discussed this situation with the resident and the trench has been removed.

6)    Fire Mitigation Activities

a.    Jamie reported that our request for funding from the Colorado State Forest Service was not granted.

b.    Jim suggested we consider using TROA funds to supplement funding from owners. We will consider this option for next year if necessary.

c.    The board decided we get a quote from Chris Swift for cutting Gambel Oak along Circle Dr. The board approved using the budgeted amount of $3,000.

d.    Jason Kaminski volunteered to take down 3 – 6 Ponderosas that need to be removed along Circle Drive.

7)    Annual Meeting

a.    The board set the date for the annual meeting to be Saturday, August 4.

8)    Finances

a.    Dave reviewed the financial report as of April 3, 2018.

b.    Active discussion regarding a small fee increase to cover increase in dumpster cost which has increased 10% each year for the past 4 years since our last fee increase. At the same time, we need to maintain sufficient reserves to insure we are prepared for any unforeseen expenses. We will seek community input on this question at the annual meeting.

Next Meeting

1)    The date for the next board meeting is Tues June 12.


1)    The meeting was adjourned at 7:59 pm.